PLC Library
This library is organized around:
Knowledge of Students and Student Learning
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Social Emotional Learning
- High Expectations for All Student Achievement
Knowledge of Content and Instructional Planning
- Active Learning Strategies
- Co-Teaching/Collaboration
- Curriculum
- Instructional Technology
Instructional Practice
- Differentiation
- Essential Questions
- Facilitation Techniques
- Instructional Strategies
- Student Engagement
Assessment for Student Learning
- Data Analysis
- Examining Student Work
- Formative Assessment
- Summative Assessment
Professional Responsibilities and Collaboration
- Family & Community Engagement
- Mentoring & Coaching
- New Teacher Programs
- Collaborative Relationships
- Student Record Keeping
- Personal & Professional Attributes
Professional Growth
- Change Cycle
- Personal Growth
- Cycle of Continuous Improvement
Learning Environment
- Classroom Systems & Routines
- Motivation
- Stress Reduction & Mindfulness
- Time Management
- Restorative Practices
You can also search by author, title or publisher. All of our library resources are integrated into your school library system. To check out materials, please use Classlink. Then click on the Professional Learning Center.
All media are sorted alphabetically by title. To view our loan policy or to request to borrow materials, click the title you would like to borrow. Your requests will be sent to you via interoffice mail, unless you type in the notes section that you will pick the item up.
Greece Public Schools & Greece Private Schools only
How to Access your Greece Professional Learning Center Virtual Reference Library
As a Greece Central employee, you have access to books that you can download to a computer or an e-reader and read and listen to. You can type in a topic like feedback and the search will create a list of all the resources on feedback in the form of chapters in books or sections of books or maybe an entire book. You can save searches to your own library. Or, you can download a whole book and read the entire book. *This e-library collection is provided at no cost to GCSD employees with funding from the New York State Teacher Centers.
3. The blue View All button will show you all the book covers in our collection. The video linked here will walk you through all the ways you might want to use this Professional Library.