• We are pleased to announce that breakfast and lunch will be free for all
    Greece Central School District students in 2024-25!

     ALL students enrolled in any of the schools in the Greece Central School District can now receive FREE breakfast and lunch, regardless of their household income. This has been made possible through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), part of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program.

    Thanks to the Community Eligibility Provision, families DO NOT need to complete a free & reduced-price meal application to receive this benefit.  We ask families to complete an Income Data Collection Form to determine eligibility for other state and national benefit programs available to schools and individuals.

    Filling out this form makes it possible for us to secure additional grant funding for your child’s school and the Greece Central School District. Such funding has been used to add low and no-cost programs such as Girls on the Run, Robotics, Esports, some Community Schools programming, Children’s Choir, AVID, & Early College High School.

    Income-eligible families who complete the form may also qualify for a variety of fee waivers including Advanced Placement tests, SAT exams, college admissions, college coursework, instrument rental, internet services, and Amazon Prime. It also can be used to qualify for state and federal programs such as P-EBT Food Benefits.

  • Complete only ONE form per household.
    Mail Completed Form to :
    GCSD Food Services Dept.
    750 Maiden Lane
    Rochester, NY 14615
    or your child's school's main office.
    Call (585)966-2467 with questions

  • Income Data Collection Form