Substance Abuse Prevention
The Greece Central School District offers Substance Abuse Prevention support and resources to students across our District. The Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator and the Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist work as a part of the Student and Family Advocacy and Support Team (SFAST). This team works collaboratively to support students, families, building administration and staff with the goal of social emotional wellness and academic success.
The Role of the Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator/Specialist includes:- Direct substance abuse counseling and education to students K-12
- Works individually with students
- Facilitates psychoeducational groups
- Provides student presentations
- Works collaboratively with community prevention partners/treatment agencies
- Staff professional development
- Parent educational opportunities
- Referral to community agencies for substance abuse services
How are students identified for Substance Abuse Prevention?
Students can be referred to Substance Abuse Prevention Support as a part of the Response to Intervention (RtI) process or as a response to a code of conduct violation. Students and families can also self-refer for support services.
For more information on how to access Substance Abuse Prevention Support, please contact your child’s Principal or School Counselor.
Family Resource Links
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator:
Stephanie Rago
stephanie.rago@greececsd.orgSubstance Abuse Prevention Specialist:
Katrina Smalline
katrina.smalline@greececsd.orgSubstance Abuse Prevention Specialist:
Aimee Sokolowski